VCÖ Mobility Award 2020

Sujet VCÖ-Mobilitätspreis 2020

The VCÖ Mobility Award is Austria’s biggest competition for sustainable mobility. It is supported by the Ministry of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology and the ÖBB.

We are looking for innovative projects for sustainable transport and mobility

The transportation sector is still a major green house gas contributor. To make the vision of a climate neutral society come true the transportation and mobility sector needs a major transformation. Supported by the Ministry of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology and the ÖBB, VCÖ is looking for the best projects, ideas and research studies promoting the mobility transformation.

To submit a project, please download the English submission form (PDF) and complete it by using Adobe Reader. The completed file will be send via e-mail to Please attach additional materials such as photos, images or videos. You can submit your project as well by using our German online submission form

Submission deadline: June 17th 2020

Who can participate in the VCÖ Mobility Award?

Austria’s largest competition for sustainable transport and mobility is open to submission from the following: Companies, including transportation companies, municipalities, districts, research institutes, schools and universities as well as students, special interest groups and societies, campaign groups as well as private citizens. We accept: already implemented projects and projects with guaranteed funding, inspiring ideas or concepts for projects, as well as studies and work of research, which promote the socio-ecological transformation of the transport system and sustainable forms of mobility.

Transforming mobility needs courage and practice

Our society including the transport sector needs to be climate-neutral before 2050. How can we reach that target within the transport sector? How can negative side effects be prevented? What does efficient and ecological sustainable mobility look like and which projects have contribute to it? How can companies take the responsibility for their actions? What can communities, cities and educational institutions contribute? The VCÖ Mobility Award 2020 is looking for submissions from innovative and exemplary projects, which are related to the following topics:

  • Public transport and multi-modal mobility
  • Mobility management in companies and educational institutions
  • Travel, tourism and leisure time
  • Mobility as a Service and Sharing
  • Regional and residential development, public space
  • Active mobility (Walking, Cycling)
  • Transportation, logistics, freight transport

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Ausgezeichnete Projekte

Alle Kurzfilme zu den Siegesprojekten der letzten Jahre

Wählen Sie ein Jahr aus und informieren Sie sich über die beim VCÖ-Mobilitätspreis ausgezeichneten Projekte (PDF-Dokumente).

2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008

Der VCÖ verwendet Spenden sparsam und zielgerichtet und trägt daher das Österreichische Spendengütesiegel.

Aktuelle VCÖ-Themenschwerpunkte

Arbeitswege auf Klimakurs bringen

Arbeitswege verursachen einen großen Teil des Verkehrs in Österreich und sind sie ein wichtiger Hebel, um die Klimabilanz der Personenmobilität zu verbessern.

mehr erfahren

Energiewende im Verkehr - erneuerbar und elektrisch

Der Energiebedarf des Verkehrs hat sich in Österreich seit dem Jahr 1990 fast verdoppelt, die Abhängigkeit vom Erdöl ist groß. Ohne Energiewende im Verkehr sind die Klimaziele nicht erreichbar.

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