VCÖ Mobility Award 2021

Sujet VCÖ-Mobilitätspreis 2020

The submission deadline for the VCÖ Mobility Award 2021 has already expired

If you would like to reserve a project for the VCÖ Mobility Prize 2022 or have any other questions about the VCÖ Mobility Prize, please do not hesitate to contact us by email at or by phone on +43 1 893 26 97.

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The transport sector is at the beginning of several transformation processes: away from combustion engine to emission-free drives, away from car-oriented to multimodal mobility, away from private ownership of means of transport to increased sharing. The changes are accelerated by digitisation.

The 30th VCÖ Mobility Award 2021 is dedicated to the major changes in the transport sector and has the motto ‘Aufbruch in der Mobilität‘ (‘Mobility Awakening‘). In the worsening climate crisis in particular, the move towards sustainable transport plays a central role. Today, transport is the biggest cause of climate-damaging emissions. Tomorrow, mobility should be the drive for improvements on the way to the climate target. It is important to prepare the ground today for sustainable and socially just mobility of tomorrow and what comes afterwards.

Transition in transport requires courage and practice

Transport is Austria's biggest climate challenge. How can transport be put back on climate track? How can mobility be socially just, economically efficient and be designed environmentally sound? How can companies organise mobility or goods transport climate friendly? What can municipalities and cities as well as schools and universities do to make transport more sustainable?

We are looking for submissions on the following topics:

  • Active mobility
  • ‘Design for All’ – Mobility addressed to intergenerational and social needs
  • Public and publicly accessible transport, multimodality
  • Goods traffic, transport and logistics
  • Spatial planning, settlement development and housing
  • Infrastructural solutions and measures for land re-naturalisation
  • Mobility management (companies, schools, leisure, tourism)
  • Mobility addressed to needs of children and young people
  • Digitisation in mobility
  • Energy transition and electrification in mobility
  • Mobility as a Service (MaaS

At the VCÖ Mobility Award Austria, Siemens supports the awarding of projects and concepts that contribute to a sustainable transport system with the help of 'digitisation in mobility'. The best project on the subject of 'spatial planning and settlement development' is awarded with the support of the Austrian Hagelschutzversicherung. The best submission on the subject of '‘Design for All’ – Mobility adressed to intergenerational and social needs' will also receive an award in its own category, funded by the Federal Ministry for Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection.

A professional short film will be made about the winning project and will be available online. Participating projects get the opportunity to be presented in the VCÖ open access online database for exemplary projects on sustainable transport.

Exemplary projects are presented in the VCÖ online database

If desired, complete submissions will be presented in the VCÖ online database for exemplary mobility projects at and thus made accessible to a broad audience.


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Selected Projects

Choose a year to get information about the latest projects priced by the VCÖ Mobility Award (PDF documents).

2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010

Das Video zum Siegerprojekts des VCÖ-Mobilitätspreis 2020

Der VCÖ verwendet Spenden sparsam und zielgerichtet und trägt daher das Österreichische Spendengütesiegel.

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